Classroom Contributions
Brookside 2024-25

Why Contribute?
Classroom contributions from our Brookside families play a crucial role in the success of all our students. There is no state or district funding for the items supported by the Parents Club. We request one lump sum at the beginning of the year to avoid asking families to contribute smaller amounts multiple times throughout the year.
Scholarships Available
We understand class contribution requests may be financially difficult for some families. For that reason, scholarships in any amount are available for all families who request one.
To apply for a partial scholarship, complete the contribution form on this page, specifying the amount requested. Doing this will ensure your child's class gets total funds it needs.
Full scholarships can be requested here.
Scholarship requests are completely confidential and only viewed by the PC Treasurer. Please note, no child will ever be prevented from participating in school events or projects for financial reasons.
Brookside Parents Club is a 501(c)3 organization.
Tax ID#: 94-2623636.